Wealth Manifestation Blueprint
I’m going to assume that you know about the law of attraction – how it supposedly always works.
And I’m going to guess that you’ve just looked around wherever you are at the moment and asked yourself the elephant in the room question “Why isn’t it working for me?”
That’s the question that’s so often avoided in sales letters like this one.
They often try to guilt you: you’re doing something wrong and this miracle cure will be the missing piece of the jigsaw. Follow these simple instructions and watch your life turn around. The hint is that this will happen instantly.
You’ve only got to search YouTube for a minute or two and you’ll come across videos promising that if you watch them, you’ll attract more money into your life within days, hours or even minutes.
So – against your better judgement – you spend the next hour or so binge watching these instant money videos. Even though you’ve watched similar ones before and nothing changed. At the end of the session, you’ve watched the videos (and the ads that play incessantly on YouTube) and your wallet is still as light as it was before you started watching.
And you growl to yourself.
Truth be told – and you may not want to hear this out loud – the law of attraction is working.
But your doubts are the things that are manifesting.
A lot of the way the law attraction works is with whatever you’re regularly thinking about.
And even then, there’s a catch.
Our subconscious mind – the part that does most of the work, most of the time – really struggles to deal with negatives. So it basically ignores (crosses out) any negative words and works with whatever is left.
You can test this youself now.If I ask you not to think of a pink elephant, tap dancing and wearing rainbow coloured boots, the chances are that cartoonish image has to come into your mind before you can cast it aside.
The same goes for all those things you’re doing your best not to manifest in your life.
So if you’re thinking “I don’t want to be poor”, your subconcious mind has to create the image or the idea of you being poor first. And then it’s often a case of you start to dwell on the idea and plat around with dozens of other “what if” ideas, sending you into a downward spiral and also sending out to the universe the very idea that you’re trying so hard to get rid of from your life.
We all do this.
It’s just a case of how often we do it and how we deal with that.
There are lots of ways to deal with this problem.
The best one varies from person to person.
You might be like Jim Carrey and carry round a check made out to yourself for a massive amount of money. By all accounts, he did this with a check for $10 million and it took about a decade to manifest.
Or you could be like Tiger Woods (and a lot of other world class athletes) and visualize the complete match over and over again until you’ve achieved a perfect score. This is called mental rehearsal (or just visualization) and it works a lot faster than Jim Carrey’s check method. Often overnight.
Which is why you need this wealth manifestation guide so you can choose the method that works best for you.
I’ve mapped out lots of different ways to attract more wealth into your life.
They all work.
But different people resonate best with different methods.
There’s no “one size fits all” with the law of attraction, despite what all those sales letters try to claim.
You’ll get 10 no fluff PDF files that are stuffed full of different ways you can use the law of attraction to attract more wealth into your life.
What I’d suggest is that you scan each of them – check out the titles and the introductions.
Then choose the one that stands out to you. Maybe sleep on it overnight because a lot of the deeper stuff our subconscious does happens as we sleep and dream.
Then work on that one for a week.
Yes, I know I said the “w” word.
That’s because – despite what the movie “The Secret” claimed – you’ll almost certainly have to actually some work towards your wealth goal.
It might be something as simple as keeping a gratitude journal or it could be something more involved.
But it will need at least a bit of effort.
The good news is that the rewards that follow are often exponentially bigger than the effort you put in. Because the universe notices that you’re doing more than just buying a lottery ticket and hoping vast wealth will come your way.
So the next things you need to do are:
- Click the buy button.
- Make the payment.
- Download the PDF files.
- At least skim each of them (it won’t take long as I’m not someone who spends the first 30 pages of a “no fluff” PDF explaining lots of fluff).
- Sleep on it.
- Next morning, pick the idea that resonates best with you.
- Start working on that idea.
- Keep at it for the next 7 days and notice how things are starting to work for you.
- Rinse and repeat.
That’s it.
It’s not complicated.
But it does start with clicking the buy button.
So go for it and see how fast you can transform your life for the better!